I am slowly getting caught back up again. I swear to myself every time I get "caught" up to stay that way, but something always seems to pop up like facebook. HA! To keep me from doing it. :)
Here are the pages from the end of the year for our Family Scrapbook. The beauty of digi scrapping is I can print these pages 3x and get them in everybody's books. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. :)
{Christmas 2011}
I have SO many pictures from Christmas and all we did leading up to it. A good scrapbooker probably would have taken the time to scrap each "event." Me not so much. I love collages and just "threw" them all in one big Christmas Tradition Page
Christmas Eve--where I sucked it up big time, and left our camera at my MIL!!! Grrrr... And had to use our video camera to take pictures. Better than nothing? Maybe. ;)
A friend of mine, who rocks at photography, told me black and white is more forgiving of crappy pictures, so we shall see how this comes back from the printers...
Family Christmas Festivities. Haven't decided about this page yet...something different that is for sure.
Daddy's 30th Birthday. Dec 2010
Year in Review of Lo and MW. There were just too many adorable photos of them together to do just one brother and sister page, so once again the collage effect won out! Another perk of digi scrapping is I made Lo's page more girly for her and with a few clicks of the keyboard I popped in more boyish papers for Micah and viola in 3 extra minutes two pages.
I just love these two together, more than I ever thought I would. I know that sounds weird, but I just didn't know how the whole bro/sis thing would be. And boy do they love each other. I hope they will always be friends.
I still have a few pages from fall to catch up on and then I can finally start on 2012! I know you are all just thrilled for me. Thank you. ;)