Thursday, January 20, 2011

Potty Training Diaries {Scrapbook Edition}

Here are Lo's Potty Training Diaries Scrapbook pages.
{From the only kit I have yet to purchase in all my digi scrapbooking endeavors.}

Potty training has by far been the most frustrating, yet rewarding things I have ever done as a parent.
In some ways we are still "training" because I don't consider her 100% yet. We still have at least a handful of accidents a month. I am learning that she is very sensitive to what is going on around her and if she senses upheaval or major change/stress, she regresses some for a day or two and then we are back in the saddle. So to say I am a little worried about brother coming would be an understatement. Although, after our last regression {i.e. her room renovation} in late November I sensed a huge shift in her thinking about potty training and how she approached it. I wish I could explain it, but I can't and since then we have been pretty much spot on. She is in complete control and command of when she deems she needs to "go." The only thing I am good for is getting her on and off the potty and the occasional wipe job.

Now we have really struggled with putting our poops in the potty, since the last regression. I really couldn't understand it. It was like she knew she had to go, but would put it off or not relax enough on the potty to go, thus an accident. It was so frustrating. For Christmas we got her Big Girl Minnie Mouse panties (not the "training" cloth panties that she had been wearing) and I told her "Minnie does NOT want to be pooped or peed on! It will make her so sad!" And that was it, she starting pooping in the potty from then on out. Now have we had an accident or two, sure, but not like before and this mommy is so thankful! Sort of ticked I didn't think of it sooner, it was my cousin who suggested it.

Over all we are there and I guess have been for awhile, I mean we have been potty "training" for nearly 4/5 months. Some of you may say I should have waited and there would be less accidents or that she is still too young and that is why she still messes up some days. You couldn't be more wrong. I know she gets it. Life is full of accidents and practice makes perfect. I would much rather deal with a few accidents here and there and be 97% potty trained than changing a bunch of diapers all day. Some people just don't give their kids enough credit.

Well, I hope those of you potty training get something from all these posts. {Click on Potty Training Diaries to see "old" posts on the subject}. It will definitely be interesting to see how brother does when it is his turn in 18ish months! ;)

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