Thursday, May 23, 2013

Spring 2013

{Dec 2012} I found these photos and knew they had to be in a page. My Great Grandma {the kids' Great Great Grandma}
 photo 5gensDec2012copy.jpg

{Dec 2012--Super Heros. I love these comic book pages!}
 photo comicbookheros2013copy.jpg

{March 2013--Easter MW}
 photo Easter2013MWcopy.jpg

Easter Lo
 photo Easter2013Locopy.jpg

{March 2013} I am so in love with this page!! I love my ballerina. This is what have a little girl is all about. Be still my heart. When she grows up she says she is going to be a ballerina & artist! 
 photo LeightonDance2013copy.jpg