Surprise! I am not sending out Christmas cards again this year. I
love all of yours, but think the green version is the way to go. {more
green in my pocket and it's good for Mother Earth too!}
Merry Christmas!
While in the hospital I started trying to figure out how to do a blog
book. I don't need anything fancy, just really want my blogs in printed
form just to have as a back-up copy in case "big brother" aka Google
ever crashes. I had to laugh when I stumbled across my first ever blog post. In it I say how this was going to be my digital scrapbook because "who knows when I will ever actually scrapbook our lives!"
At the time I didn't know about digital scrapbooking, I thought there
only was paper. Now here I am nearly two years later and fairly caught
up. I know lots of you want to do this and I just want to say you can,
it isn't as hard as you may think. Believe me I am illiterate when it
comes to computers; just ask my husband when I call him in the middle of
the day for "tech support."
Well my final push to get everyone's scrapbook caught up before
month's end is coming to fruition. Yay! Of course as all good scrappers
know you only ever caught up for the moment, if it is even possible. I
just have a few pages left for our family album, but those seem less
important than the kids' albums for whatever reason. But know that I am
"caught up" I hope to stay that way and do the pages as they happen as
opposed to waiting 6+ months. HA! We shall see.
Here is a look at Lo's through {almost} all of September.
Here is another look into Lo's scrapbook. I am -->:
:<--this close to being all caught up with her scrapbook and
Micah's book. My goal is to be caught up by the end of the month. We
shall see, however, life usually interferes with all my best laid plans.
Swim Lessons
is a page for both kids. I am hoping after this first year with Micah, I
will have more of these. That's the beauty of digi scrapping you can
make one page once and print it as many times as you like.
After posting pt 1
of Micah's scrapbook, I found the motivation to get his scrapbook
caught up. Now if I can keep it that way and get Lo's caught up I will
be golden.